Kentucky’s HANDS program expands service area to all 120 counties

kyhandsKentucky’s Health Access Nurturing Development Services (HANDS) has expanded to 42 counties, increasing their service to women, men and families in all 120 counties across the Commonwealth beginning July 1. HANDS is a home visiting program for pregnant moms-to-be and new parents that provides support in building healthy, safe environments for the optimal growth and development of children.

The expansion also includes the ability for families who have more than one child to receive HANDS support. Previously, the program was only available to first time parents in most counties. The program’s expansion was made possible by Governor Steven L. Beshear who included funding for HANDS in the state general fund. The inclusion of additional funding shows the commitment Governor Beshear and the Commonwealth have to supporting mothers and children.

A doctor’s office, health department, church, family member or friend can refer an expectant mother or parent of a child three months old or younger to the program. The family then receives a visit in their home where they will be introduced to parenting skill development in areas such as recognizing their baby’s needs and what to expect as their baby grows. “HANDS is like that family member you need for extra support,” said HANDS mom, Sharon. The program strives to create a connection between the HANDS visitor and the parent or parents in a nonjudgmental way.

“The main goal of HANDS is to help encourage healthy pregnancies and birth for mothers, and healthy child growth and development for babies,” said Brenda English, HANDS Program Administrator. “We believe every parent needs a second pair of HANDS.”

For more information about Kentucky’s HANDS program, visit or call Marshall County Health Department at 270-527-1496.