Calvert City dedicates splash park to elementary students

Calvert City Elementary fourth- and fifth-grade students take a seat at the new splash park for Friday’s dedication ceremony in Memorial Park.

Calvert City officials, teachers and Calvert City Elementary School fourth- and fifth-grade students came out to celebrate the city’s new splash park Friday in Memorial Park.

Mayor Lynn Jones spoke to students about the splash pad, which opened to the public Aug. 5, giving credit to the city Parks board for the idea and city council for contributing money to the construction effort. Jones officially dedicated the splash park to the city’s children, as he said those who contributed time, effort and funding to the project worked diligently to ensure the children could utilize the facility.

The new, lighted fountain was in its planning stages for about three years, with construction beginning this fiscal year.

City Administrator John Ward said in a previous interview that the city served as the general contractor on the project, subcontracting plumbing, electrical and concrete work. Minnesota-based Aquatix (formerly Aquatic Recreation Company), designed the water feature and pump system for the project. Final cost on the project was estimated at about $285,000.