Before Christmas, the Sharpe Homemakers paid a visit to the local veterinary clinics as a part of our on-going Community Outreach Program. A fellow Homemaker, Mitzi McGinnis, made each employee, at each clinic, a homemade keychain featuring different fabrics such as paw prints, dog bones and cute animal faces. No, we didn’t forget about the fur babies. The club also donated some treats for the patients upon their visit.
We’d like to thank Companion Animal Hospital-Dr. Jaco, Lakeland Animal Hospital – Dr. Johnson, and Calvert City Animal Clinic- Dr. Kirby for the outstanding job they do for our community. Their love and commitment to animals puts so many of us at ease when we find ourselves taking a pet there for a visit. Their job isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. There are sad times too when the clinic has to be compassionate and understanding. Hopefully not that often. Again, many thanks to these clinics. We appreciate you and all you do!