KHEAA Trains Over 2,500 Professionals, Reaches Thousands More Kentuckians

FRANKFORT, Ky. (Jan. 23, 2024) — The Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA) today announced that more than 2,500 professionals took part in its Better FAFSA, Better Future training.

Because of the significant changes to the 2024-25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), KHEAA hosted in-person FAFSA trainings across the state, as well as two webinar trainings, for college access professionals, financial aid administrators and others who support students in their efforts to attend college.

KHEAA conducted 16 regional trainings, two webinars, and 20 partner sessions — equipping 2,584 College Access Professionals with the crucial FAFSA knowledge to assist potential college students.

KHEAA’s impact extended far beyond training rooms, engaging 93,862 Kentuckians through social media outreach and garnering 3,569 views of its informative FAFSA training video.

“Empowering College Access Professionals and aspiring college students is central to KHEAA’s mission,” stated Jo Carole Ellis, KHEAA’s Executive Director. “These remarkable numbers signify our unwavering commitment to breaking down financial barriers and paving the way for a brighter future for all Kentuckians.”

KHEAA stands ready to support families and students every step of the way. To contact a KHEAA outreach counselor, go to and select Your KHEAA Outreach Counselors under the News and Resources tab. There you will find contact information for individual counselors by geographical area.

Those who missed the training may view the video online at

KHEAA is the state agency that administers the merit-based Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship (KEES) program, as well as need-based grants and other programs to help students pay their higher education expenses. Kentucky Lottery funds pay for many of those programs. For more information about Kentucky scholarships and grants, visit; write KHEAA at PO Box 798, Frankfort, KY 40602; or call 800-928-8926.

In addition, KHEAA administers the KY Saves 529 program, which allows families to save for college. For more information about KY Saves 529, visit