West Kentucky RECC responsive to Coronavirus concerns

Disconnects postponed, offices to close to visitors, credit card fees waived

(Mayfield, Ky.) March 17, 2020 – With the uncertainty created by the Coronavirus pandemic, West Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative knows that the people we serve are facing many concerns. Guided by cooperative values, we are dedicated to doing what we can to fulfill our civic duty and live up to the trust that our members place in us to bring them safe, affordable and reliable power. Here are several changes in business operations related to the ongoing health concerns posed by the Coronavirus (COVID-19):

• First, recognizing the hardships some members will experience due to COVID-19, starting March 17, 2020, WKRECC, in consultation with the Tennessee Valley Authority, will postpone disconnects for non-payment for a limited time. For bills with due dates beginning Monday, March 23, late fees will also be waived. We will continue to monitor the situation and update this guidance as appropriate. Members facing financial difficulty during this time should call WKRECC at 1-877-495-7322.

West Kentucky RECC President & CEO David Smart says the co-op is committed to working with and for co-op members and the communities it serves during this difficult period. “We realize that our members are worried about financial uncertainty and we are taking steps to address those concerns,” said Smart.

Members are reminded that it remains the responsibility of each account holder to ultimately pay for electric service. Bills will continue to be sent as usual. Members who can make payments, even partial payments, are urged to do so, to help avoid a larger balance in the future.

• Second, starting Wednesday morning, March 18, 2020, WKRECC will close all three of its business offices in Mayfield, Murray and Benton to the public to help protect the health and safety of members and staff. Line crews will continue to respond as needed to maintain a reliable power supply. Though the office lobbies are closed, members may utilize:

° Drive-through windows at Mayfield and Murray
° Night deposit boxes at all three locations
° Online and phone payment options
° Payment kiosks.

• Finally, starting Monday, March 23, 2020 and continuing while offices are closed, WKRECC will suspend collection of credit card fees for drive-through, online and phone payments. Please note, fees for kiosk payments are charged by the kiosk vendor and are not collected by WKRECC. Kiosk fees will not change.

“We stand ready to work with our members to meet their needs over the weeks ahead. We appreciate the patience of our members as we adjust to public health concerns and we will continue to provide the excellent customer service our members expect, albeit through non-traditional methods. Please call us if you have questions or concerns—we’re ready to help,” said Smart.