Concerned Citizens for Seniors: Volunteers Joining Together to help Support our Senior Citizens

Concerned Citizens for Seniors is made up of Representatives from organizations, churches, businesses, and individuals that have joined together to revitalize and help support the Senior Citizens of Marshall County!  These Volunteers have been meeting weekly since the first of July working to find ways to reach out to persons who enjoy the benefits of having a place to meet with other people, doing activities, sharing stories, and eating a meal.

If you are an organization, club, group or team looking for a community project, you can join them at the Senior Citizens Building at 9am on Wednesdays as they work together to find ways to give our Seniors the attention and respect they deserve. Volunteer help is needed with fixing up Buildings, Fundraiser projects, help with lunch meals, offering programs, and sharing a bit of your time are among the suggestions that are being formulated and put into action. This is a great way to give back to those who gave us so much.

~Submitted by Lois Cunningham