Make America Graceful

free cross picHave you recovered from the election yet? If you’re like me, you’re still recuperating. I’ve heard a lot of talk about making America great as if a politician or businessman had the power to do that. Let’s get real, loving your neighbor will do more for this country than voting your conscience ever will because life isn’t about the issues unless the issues are faith, hope, and love and those are never political.

We should be thankful to live in a country where we have a very small say about who sits in the Oval Office but I hope we’re more invested in the advancement of a Spiritual Kingdom than we are worried about the future of an earthly one.

I hope we remember where the candidates stand on welfare, abortion, gun control, health care and terrorism isn’t nearly as important as where we stand on loving God and our neighbor.

I hope we also remember that making America great means loving the good people who voted differently than we did because God is more concerned with how we treat them than he is with how we voted.

The devil has attacked the church with this election over the past several months and we have allowed ourselves to be played by the enemy. Shame on us for getting so distracted.

Life here might get worse and it may have nothing or everything to do with our vote. We can become paralyzed by fear or we can rise up as men and women of God. It’s completely our choice. And that’s the most important decision we can make today and every day. So let’s vow to make America graceful and, in doing so, will make our little part of this beautiful country great.

How to make America graceful?

·        Read the bestselling book about grace (I have extras if you need one).

·        Watch the person throughout that book and get to know him.

·        Do what he did.

·        Surround yourself with others who are desperately trying to follow him (That church building down the road would be a good place to start. They aren’t perfect but they love the one who is).

·        Turn off the media and get to know your neighbor.

·        Ask others what you can do to help them. And then do it.

·        Protest name calling, fear, & chaos.

·        Get upset about things that matter (To know what really matters, see my first three points).

·        Be a peacemaker even if the other person is wrong. Even if you’re aggravated. Even if you really don’t want to get involved. Even if you think they don’t deserve it. That’s grace.

It’s not going to be as easy as showing up and casting a vote but the after effects are eternal and they certainly won’t leave you feeling sick either.  I hope you have a great day!