2015-16 1st Region AD Association Joey Fosko Scholarship Winners

cross-lovettThe 1st Region AD Association is proud to award one male and one female athlete an academic scholarship from each school listed. The scholarships are in honor of the late Joey Fosko. Each school listed participated in some type of fundraiser for this scholarship fund. Each student was selected based on their participation, character, and sportsmanship in a sport.

Selected  from Marshall County is Kenslie Cross and Tucker Lovett. Following are all the scholarship award winnings.

Hickman County
Alec Spillman
Sarah Harpole

Ballard Memorial
Conrad Hansen
Kylee Heal

Paducah Tilghman
Charli Doss
Luke Massad

Gavin Posey
Kaylyn Telfair

Keelan Murphy
Erica Zetter

Morghen Turley
Daniel Harper

Calloway County
Lauren Eastwood
Holland Tetrev

Graves County
Logan Whaley
Dana Adkins

St. Mary
Emily Meredith
Austin Hubert

Fulton City
Lexi Butler
Chan Malray

Marshall County
Kenslie Cross
Tucker Lovett

Carlisle County
Sydney Hicks
Paxton Crider

Community Christian Academy
Millie Wade
Laiken Vaughn