Essential Oils proves to be a popular topic with large attendance at Library’s recent event

Essential Oils seminar was one of numerous informational programs offered by MCPL last month
Essential Oils seminar was one of numerous informational programs offered by MCPL last month

The Marshall County Public Library @ Benton had a great turnout for our informational event on the topic of Essential Oils. Guest speaker, Yolanda Heath, owner of Heath Health Foods, explained some known health benefits and gave a great introduction to the various uses of oils. She also explained how researching the proper ways to use them is the best way to decide what oils would benefit you most before buying. Many in attendance were first time users or had never used any essential oil products and were curious since there is so much currently publicized about them on social media. For more information on our upcoming events or workshops, be sure to visit or call 270-527-9969.library-oils-2