‘Vote Yes 2015’ group to hold wet/dry petition drive this weekend

voteyesMARSHALL COUNTY – The petition drive for the wet-dry vote is in full swing with members of the ‘Vote Yes 2015’ movement now having a website and Facebook presence.

This morning on WCBL’s Coffee Call program, members notified the listening audience that they will be hosting petition drives around the county this weekend for those in favor of taking the issue to the ballot.
Tentatively, if the group is able to secure enough signed and verified petitions, the wet/dry election will be held on July 28.

Petitions and voter registration cards will be available this Saturday beginning at 10 a.m. at the following locations (no end time has been given):

1) Silver Trail Museum Parking lot in Aurora
2) Four-way stop in Hardin
3) Moors Camp area near Moors Camp entrance
4) Newton Outdoor Parking Lot in Draffenville
5) Calvert City Shopping Center across from Library

Petitions are also available online and at the Kentucky Lake Convention and Visitors Bureau in Draffenville.
For more information on the Vote Yes 2015 group, see www.voteyes2015.com or go to their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/voteyes2015.