Sole survivor of January’s plane crash, Sailor Gutzler, to live with half-sister

Sole survivor of January's plane crash - Sailor Gutzler
Sole survivor of January’s plane crash – Sailor Gutzler

NASHVILLE, IL – It was January when reports of a downed plane came in, prompting local emergency responders to report to calls for mutual aid in Lyon County.
Air traffic controllers reported the plane was last known to be flying at 1800 feet over Marshall County before a distress call of engine problems was received.

A very brave 7-year-old child was the sole survivor in the crash, having lost her father who was the pilot, her mother, sister and cousin.

Sailor made national headlines after miraculously surviving the crash and walking barefoot through the woods and thickets until she found a house and told the residents that her plane had gone down.

A judge has now ruled that Sailor Gutzler will now be under the legal care of her half-sister. The Belleville News-Democrat reports that a Washington County judge granted guardianship of Sailor Gutzler to her half-sister Kasie Dlubala and her husband Daniel, of Nashville.

Court guardian Julie Kozuszek wrote in a report that Sailor was doing well in school and involved in extracurricular activities while living with the Dlubalas. The guardian wrote that Sailor expressed a desire to live with their family.