Locally Owned and Operated Meat Market Now Open in Draffenville!

Josh Anderson and Chablis Scornavacco, Owners of Farm to Fork

A few months ago, Josh Anderson and Chablis Scornavacco decided to bring a new business to Marshall County….Farm to Fork.  They ordered a log cabin to build in Draffenville at 823 US HWY 68 East to sell beef from cattle that they are raising on the farm right behind it.  By the time they finally got the cabin built and ready to go, they had more local vendors to join them!  In addition to their Fresh Angus Beef, they also have locally farm raised chicken and pork.  They have a wide variety of cuts of meat, some of which I had never heard or that I had only seen on Food Network!  You can find jams and jellies throughout the store too.  You can find their hours of operation on the Farm to Fork Facebook Page.