When Mother’s Day Hurts

I love Mother’s Day now but there was a time when I didn’t.

One Sunday morning, I walked out of a Mother’s Day sermon. I was grieving the death of my mother and our strained relationship, devastated from miscarrying, and covered up in the frustrations of raising young children.
Mother’s Day was too much and I couldn’t handle hearing about how wonderful it was. It was, but it wasn’t too and I needed someone to tell me that sometimes it hurts and that’s normal.

To all those who wish they had a better relationship with their mother, those hoping to someday have children, those worn out from mothering, and those grieving their moms or their children, know that Jesus offers comfort and peace. Lay your stress and brokenness before him. He can handle it. If Mother’s Day hurts your heart, please know that you are not alone.

Go hug your mom or someone else’s this weekend. Tell a single dad that he rocks. Forgive your mom for the mistakes she made. Pray for the moms and dads of this world then go wow them and their families with how well you love. We’re all in this together even when this hurts.