Reader takes issue with removal of Confederate monuments

Dear editor,

All across the country, we are witnessing efforts to remove any memorial or statue that honor anything associated with Southern heritage. The removing of these historical markers is a dangerous, slippery-slope which can lead to a one-sided interpretation of our nation’s history. We should never give in to these attacks and participate in the destruction of history just because some deem it offensive. Instead we should try to learn from those who came before us because history is our greatest teacher. The blatant misrepresentation of the history of the Confederacy and the soldiers who fought for its cause are based more on political agendas instead of complete historical fact.

The majority of Confederate soldiers were poor citizens who did not own slaves and fought to defend their families and communities from an invading army and did so to preserve the ideals of the Declaration of Independence. Like many Marshall Countians, I can lay claim to Confederate ancestors and I will never be ashamed of their service to the cause of states’ rights for which they fought.

As President Eisenhower once said, “The war was a tragic experience. But like most truly great tragedies, it carries with it an enduring lesson and a profound inspiration. It was a demonstration of heroism and sacrifice by men and women of both sides who valued principle above life itself and whose devotion to duty is part of our nation’s noblest tradition.”

If we continue to allow this cleansing of our heritage, where will it end? Will we then witness the removal of memorials and statues of the Founding Fathers? It is time to stand up and defend our heritage from those who in the name of political correctness seek to destroy it.


Justin Lamb
