Show respect when ‘Sharing the Road’

share the road 1Many cyclists in our community and state ride their bicycles year-around and many more join in the activity as warmer weather approaches.

Motorists and cyclists alike, should be aware of their rights of the road and be responsible for their behavior for everyone ‘sharing the road’ to be safe.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2013, there were 743 cyclists killed and an estimated 48,000 injured in motor vehicle traffic crashes across the nation. Cyclist deaths accounted for 2 percent of all motor vehicle traffic fatalities and injured cyclists made up 2 percent of the people injured in traffic crashes during the year.

Pages 45 and 46 of the Kentucky Drivers Manual states that Kentucky law requires cyclists shall:

Be granted all the rights and be subject to all the duties” applicable to drivers of any vehicle. A bicycle is a vehicle, not a toy, and, as such, must obey the traffic rules and regulations pertaining to all highway users. Motorists should regard bicyclists as they would any other vehicle.

Rules for motorists concerning bicycles states a motorist must:

Share the road with bicycles.

Before passing a cyclist, look to see if there is loose debris on the pavement that might cause them to move into the center of the lane. Pass a cyclist only when it can be done safely, and give ample room (3 feet) between your car and the cyclist. Realize the air turbulence your vehicle can create at high speeds or in windy weather. Give the cyclist extra room if your vehicle has extended outside rear view mirrors. Return to the lane only when you are safely clear of the overtaken bicyclist.

According to Kentucky Revised Statues (KRS), thousands of Kentuckians bicycle for fun and function. For healthy recreation, exercise and everyday getting around.share the road

“Everyone is entitled to passage on the roads as public right of way and the KRS has established rules, rights and responsibilities for our behavior as we interact in this space.”

The Statute states “cooperation is key to safe interaction”.

Kentucky Bicycle Laws: Statutes and Regulations are found in Chapter 189 under Title XVI of KRS developed by the State Legislature.

KRS 189.231 states that all vehicles, bicycles included, must obey traffic controls applicable, meaning stop lights and stop signs. These statues grant bicyclists the right to the road but assigns them the responsibility to obey laws as well.

According to, “bicyclists have the same rights, rules and responsibilities on all Kentucky roads.” To motorists it states, “pass a cyclist only when it is safe.”

Ask a cyclist and most will agree the “3 feet” minimum between a vehicle and bicycle is not enough but the Kentucky Bicycle and Bikeway Commission is supporting Senate Bill 80 as a safe passing law for Kentucky.

The Bill, which passed the Senate 33-4, allows for things like vehicles crossing double yellow lines to pass a bicycle proceeding in the same direction as long as the lane is available and reasonably safe and other acts relating to overtaking a bicycle on the roadway, as well as the 3 feet minimum distance.

Senator Robin Webb (D-Grayson) is the primary sponsor of the bill that is Pending with the House Transportation Committee.

From “Sharing the Road in Kentucky” – “Sharing the road is important for both bicyclists and drivers. If both are knowledgeable of the laws and abide by them, the road will be a safe place for everyone. Please share and respect each other while on the road.”