MCD to get needed upgrade, new features to follow

In the coming days and weeks, readers will begin to notice some changes in the the way Marshall County Daily looks and in the types of features it offers.

About six months ago, we took a new approach in how we do things. We brought in a new editor, allowing us to focus on news within our community, as well as sports coverage and state-level happenings that affect residents of Marshall County. We’ve been thinking about other things in that time too, which we feel will benefit readers on a larger scale.

Thus, MCD is getting a makeover, so to speak. We’re improving the aesthetic of the product, and with that change in theme, we will hopefully improve the navigation and ease of use for readers.

It’s a small start to a much larger shift in the features we intend to offer, however. While we are a small staff, we know how to use our resources creatively and will maximize the potential we have to include videos and podcasts to our role of regular features. We’re working on possibly hosting some local favorites in addition to new and original content to expand on what we know our local folks are looking for in a service not provided elsewhere.

We’re also rolling out our Swap Shop online, an online classifieds system that will allow users to target the audience they want, those located in Marshall County visiting MCD. And the number of folks laying eyes on MCD regularly are greater than almost any other source you’ll find.

We’re a hyperlocal media outlet that has traditionally looked at itself as an online newspaper – which we still are – but with an emphasis bigger scope of “media” and what that means. Why not use the perks of the Internet to bring you, the reader, more?

It’s not going to happen overnight, and there will be bumps along the way. Earlier today, for example, we were surprised to find a theme change initially scheduled for next week under way, due to a miscommunication within the design company. After some discussion with that company, we rolled that change back to its originally-scheduled date of Tuesday, Nov. 7 to allow us time to notify our readers and complete sizing adjustments in content, etc. Bumps, growing pains, whatever you’d like to call them, they happen with any new venture. We hope you’ll be patient with us as these bumps give way to what we think will be really great.